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The History of Scartaglen made by 5th & 6th Class

End of Year Assembly 2017
On the day of the summer holidays we all gathered in the halla for our end of year assembly. Certificates for swimming were handed out to boys and girls from 2nd to 6th class. Medals were presented to the children who did not miss a day during the school year! We also said goodbye to our sixth class; Kalum, Diarmuid, Patrick, Denis, Alan, Pat, Brian, Micheál, Kevin, Emma, Abbie and Shauna. We all wish them well for the future!!

School Sports Day 2017
We had a fantastic day at our school sports day. All of the children in the school took part in activities all day long, it was really fun! There were egg and spoon races, sack races, three-legged races, wheelbarrow races, orienteering, water relay, tug of war, musical chairs, parachute and last Friday we had Sports Star Superstar. There was a special surprise at break time when an Ice-Cream Van arrived into the school yard. Each child had a delicious cone. Thanks to the Parent’s Council for this lovely treat. Thanks also to everyone who helped make this such an exciting day!

School Tour 2017
Scartaglen N.S. had our school tour recently. The whole school went to the cinema in Tralee in the morning to see Diary of a Whimpy Kid. It was very funny. We had the whole cinema to ourselves! In the afternoon Junior Infants to Second Class went to Active Kingdom and 3rd to 6th Class went to Predator Paintball to play Splatball. It was great fun! Thanks to Maura and all of the teachers and SNA's for organising this memorable day.

Scartaglen Heritage Centre Competition
The boys and girls in Scartaglen N.S. took part in a competition to design a logo for the Scartaglen Cultural and Heritage Centre. The winning logo was drawn by Gary in 3rd Class. Some children from the school visited the Heritage Centre to find out the result and also met some ladies from the Day Care Centre. They had a lovely day out!

Kerry Primary Game Team 2017
Congratulations to Emma in 6th Class who made the Kerry Primary Game Team. She represented her County at half time in the Clare v Kerry game in Ennis. Everyone at Scartaglen N.S. was delighted for her, well done Emma!

Football Skills Competition
Congratulations to Abbie, Emma and Shauna in 6th Class on coming 3rd in the County in the Football Skills Team Competition. A special congratulations to Abbie who finished 2nd in the Individual Skills Competition. It was a fantastic achievement, well done girls!!

CraftEd Programme
Congratulations to the boys and girls in 3rd and 4th Class who took part in the CraftEd Programme. There were only 6 schools chosen in County Kerry to take part. They made beautiful prints over a number of weeks with a local artist Tricia O' Connor. Their theme was Tom Crean. The programme was organised by Tralee Education Centre and they hosted a lovely showcase night where all of the schools displayed their work. Each school received an award for their participation. Thanks to Ms. O' Connor for all her work with this wonderful project.

First Holy Communion
Congratulations to Kyle, Darragh, Shayne, Freddy, Ciarán, William, Aodhán, Conor, Adam, Cormac, Ryan, Ruby, Sophie, Laura, Kirsten, Edel, Ava and Niamh in Second Class on receiving their First Holy Communion on Saturday 20th May. Fr. Horgan and Fr. O’ Riordan made it a very special day for the children with a lovely ceremony. Beautiful singing filled the Church courtesy of the school choir accompanied by Orlaith Horan. There was a great celebration in the school afterwards with a delicious cake with a picture of the entire class on it! Many thanks to everyone who helped to make this a memorable day. A special thanks to their teacher Mrs. O' Sullivan for all her hard work preparing the boys and girls.

Izak 9 Maths Cubes
We have a set of Izak 9 Maths Cubes on loan from Tralee Education Centre. These cubes are a fun way of exploring maths in small groups. The children are given challenges that they have to complete together using the cubes.

Newborn lambs and baby rabbits!
We had a surprise visit by two very special guests this week, two baby lambs! They were only ten days old. We even got the chance to name the lambs, we put all the names into a hat and the chosen names were Roxy (Danielle in Senior Infants) and Bob (Sean in 3rd Class). Thanks to Eilish Moynihan and her daughter Noreen for this lovely surprise. We also had a visit from 10 baby rabbits. The rabbits visited every classroom and we even had a chance to hold them, they were very soft and fluffy! Thanks to Jeremiah Buckley for this lovely surprise.

An Taisce Spring Clean in Scartaglen
Every child in the school took part in An Taisce Spring Clean. They put on their gloves and high-vis vests, grabbed their litter pickers and cleaned all around the school grounds and the village. This will help us obtain our first Green Flag. Thanks to Kerry County Council for putting up signs and also providing bins and gloves. A big thank you to Mrs. Doody for all her hard work.

An Riocht Sports Castleisland
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who participated in the athletics competition at An Ríocht. The weather was beautiful and the sun was certainly out for Scartaglen N.S. as we had a fantastic day bringing home 32 medals!! The children took part in many events from 60m, 80m and 100m sprints to 600m long distance runs. We also took part in the long jump, shot putt, javelin and relay events. Many of our winners made it through to the county finals. Well done to all the athletes from 1st to 6th class. Thanks to Ms. O’ Connor, Mr. Johnson and Sheila for all their coaching and encouragement.

Confirmation 2017
Congratulations to Kalum, Diarmuid, Patrick, Denis, Alan, Pat, Brian, Micheál, Kevin, Emma, Abbie and Shauna on being confirmed in Castleisland on Thursday 30th March. It was a lovely ceremony and we were blessed with clear weather outside the church afterwards. Thanks to Mr. Moroney and all of the parents who helped out for the ceremony. Click on the image to see a larger version.

Scartaglen NS Girl's Football
Scartaglen N.S. girls football team followed their recent success at the Mini-Sevens in Castleisland with a brilliant performance in the Kerry County Finals in John Mitchells, Tralee. The girls progressed through a tough group containing Kenmare, Fossa and Waterville. They then travelled to Caherslee for the semi-final. Unfortunately they were beaten by an excellent Glenbeigh team. It was a tremendous achievement to make it to the last four teams in Kerry, well done girls! A huge thank you to Ms. O’ Connor for all her coaching and to Sheila for accompanying the team.

St. Patrick's Day Parade 2017
Scartaglen N.S. marched in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Castleisland. Our theme was "The Farm". It was great fun and despite very wet weather there was a brilliant turnout. The boys and girls made a huge effort with their costumes. There were pedal tractors, wheelbarrows and even a selection of dogs! Well done to all who took part and made it a very memorable day.

Pancake Tuesday
We had a wonderful treat on Pancake Tuesday as every child in the school had some delicious pancakes with a huge selection of toppings including nutella, maple syrup, ice-cream, lemon juice, sugar and lots of fresh fruit! It was a brilliant day and all money raised went to the Ronald McDonald House Charity. A massive thank you to all the parents who helped organise this great event and worked really hard all day making these tasty treats!

Scór na bPáistí 2017
Well done to Shauna in 5th class who participated in Scór na bPáistí recently in Knocknagoshel. She sang "Home by Bearna" in the solo singing competition. She sang the song beautifully, well done Shauna!

Scór na bPáistí 2017
Well done to the girls in 4th, 5th and 6th Class who took part in the Set Dancing competition in Scór na bPáistí. They finished in 2nd place, well done girls!!

Scartaglen N.S. Marathon
There was great excitement this week as we finished our school marathon. Every child in the school has been taking part for the month of January. They ran a total of 42km!! We had to run around the school each day on a track which was 224m long. It took us a month to complete the full marathon. Each child received a certificate and we even had a visit from the newspaper!

Sow and Grow
The Sow and Grow programme helps children to love healthy food by growing some of their own in class. The boys and girls in Junior and Senior Infants planted lots of seeds including cress, baby carrots and runner beans. They are looking forward to watching them grow!

St. Brigid's Day
The boys and girls in Scartaglen N.S. were very busy making St. Brigid's Crosses for St. Brigid's Day. They brought in reeds from home and used elastic bands to make the crosses.

Set Dancing
Junior and Senior Infants and 1st Class had a great time learning how to set dance for six weeks. They were getting lessons from Mairead Mangan. It was great fun and they were all getting plenty of exercise!

Credit Union Quiz 2017
Well done to our two quiz teams that represented the school at the Credit Union quiz in the Brandon Hotel recently. We had a Junior and a Senior team. They had great fun and both teams finished in the top ten which was a great achievement.

Debating in Tralee Education Centre
Well done to the school debating team who took part in the Kerry Schools Debating Competition in Tralee Education Centre recently. The topic of the debate was: The School day should be made shorter. Scartaglen N.S. were proposing the motion. It was an exciting debate and a great experience for the entire class. Thanks to Mrs. O' Mahony, Mr. Johnson, Ms. O' Sullivan and Mr. Moroney for all their help preparing for the debate.

Con Houlihan Writing Competition
Congratulations to Muireann, Evan and Orlaith in 5th Class and Kalum and Abbie in 6th Class on winning a medal for the Con Houlihan writing competition. They all wrote stories about Christmas, well done to you all! Click on the image to enlarge.

Building Paper Towers
5th and 6th class were set a tricky challenge recently. They had to build the tallest tower they could with just two A3 sheets! There was some great designs as the different towers took shape. The tallest tower was 207cm!!

Christmas Basketball Blitz
Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in the Christmas Basketball Blitz in Castleisland. Scartaglen N.S. were well represented with four teams taking part: Junior and Senior Girls and Junior and Senior Boys. There was great excitement as the teams played matches over five days. Both the Junior and Senior Girls teams reached the finals. The Junior Girls beat Gaelscoil Aogain in the final and the Senior Girls were very unlucky to lose to Gneeveguilla after extra time! Congratulations to all of the teams on doing their very best for our school. A special word of thanks to Mossie, Ella, Ciara and Ms. O'Connor for all their hard work coaching the teams.

Scartaglen NS Christmas Show
There was great excitement last Thursday night as we had our Christmas show in the Scartaglen Heritage Centre. Each class performed on the stage and it was great fun. The hall was full and everybody really enjoyed the show! Well done to all the boys and girls for working really hard preparing for this memorable night. A huge thank you to the teachers and staff for all their hard work.
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Surprise Visit from Santa's Elves!
There was fantastic excitement this week when Santa’s elves paid a surprise visit to Scartaglen N.S. A bell was heard ringing in the corridor. When the children in Junior and Senior Infants looked outside the door they found magic dust on the floor and a special delivery from Mrs. Claus. There was a letter from Santa along with some homemade gingerbread men and candy canes. When the children checked their postbox all of their letters to Santa were gone!!
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Gingerbread Men
Some of the boys and girls in the school really got into the festive spirit this week by baking their very own gingerbread men! The children mixed all of the ingedients themselves and baked them in the oven in the school. They then decorated them with tasty treats. They looked absolutely delicious and one or two of the teachers had to be kept away from them during the break times!! A big thank you to Mrs. O' Mahony for all her help.

Science and Maths Week 2016
The boys and girls in 3rd and 4th class carried out a host of science experiments for Science and Maths Week. They made marshmallow catapults, explored how liquids can be absorbed and also looked at the properties of shapes. It was great fun and you can see all the photos on our Flickr page.
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Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair took place in Scartaglen N.S. recently. The Book Fair was open for two days and every class had an opportunity to buy all the latest and greatest books. Happy reading!!!

Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2016
Scartaglen N.S. took part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal organised by Team Hope. We were delighted with the huge response and generosity. 94 Christmas shoeboxes were packed with a wonderful variety of goodies that will be sent to children from very poor countries around the world. There was great excitement when all of the boxes were loaded into the teacher's cars to be taken away to the local depot. A big thank you to all who supported this very worthy cause! View photos

Halloween Costumes
We were very impressed with the wonderful costumes in Junior and Senior Infants. All of the boys and girls had great fun and went around to all the classrooms to show off their scary outfits!View Photos

Halloween Pumpkin Carving
There was great excitement this week as we got a special delivery from our Poly-Tunnel. Mrs. Doody delivered a huge pumpkin to each class to carve out for Halloween! We all had great fun coming up with a design for our pumpkins. We then used special tools to scoop out the inside and to carve out the eyes and mouth. We even saved the seeds to plant them in the Poly-Tunnel for next year!
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Green Schools Programme
Scartaglen National School are delighted to be taking part in the Green Schools programme. The programme promotes long-term, whole-school action to protect our environment. We have already formed a “Green Team” with a pupil from each class, this committee is working to help reduce litter and waste in the school. New bins have been placed in each classroom with separate sections for rubbish and recycling. The committee have received new high visibility vests with “Scartaglen Green Team” printed on the back. There has already been a significant reduction in amount of rubbish going into the wheelie bin and the school has had to get a larger recycling bin. A big thank you to Mrs. Doody for all her work!View Photos

Super Troopers Programme
Scartaglen N.S. is participating in Super Troopers again this year. Super Troopers is a ‘health homework’ programme. As part of their homework pupils will have a short daily activity to complete. Each child has received a journal and wall chart to help track their activities over the next few weeks/months. They can also track sports/activities they are already doing. All of the family are encouraged to get involved and we look forward to an active Autumn in Scartaglen!!

Cumann na mBunscol Football
Well done to all the boys and girls who played for the school football teams in Scartaglen GAA field last week. The team played two matches against Nohoval and Currow. They played really well despite the difficult weather conditions! The girls team also played a challenge game against Currow. View Photos

Junior Infant Class of 2016
We are delighted to welcome our new Junior Infants to Scartaglen National School. We are sure they will be very happy in our school!View Photo